Sleep Study Test in Durgapuri

sleep study test in delhi

What is a Sleep Study Test? 

The Sleep Study Test is a method that tracks a person’s breathing patterns, movement patterns, and brain activity while they are sleeping. This aids in the diagnosis of any sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea and offers additional insight for essential treatment strategies.

Polysomnography is another name for the sleep study test. A typical polysomnography measures the heart rate, blood oxygen level, brain waves, and other bodily movements while the subject is asleep or at rest.

Why is a sleep test conducted?

The following sleep disorders may warrant a doctor’s recommendation for a sleep study test: The breathing continually starts and stops while the body is sleeping in sleep apnea.

  • Insomnia is a condition in which a person has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep through the night.
  • Narcolepsy – A narcoleptic feels extreme daytime sleepiness and may encounter unexpected sleep attacks.
  • When the body feels as though it is cognizant yet is unable to move, this condition is known as sleep paralysis. For a few seconds to minutes, individuals are unable to speak or move, and they may feel like they are choking.

Purpose of Sleep Study Test

  • The exam is used by medical practitioners to identify sleep disorders. The following are some typical goals of the sleep study: 

    • Sleep apnea (disturbance of sleep brought on by pauses in breathing)
    • Chronic or intermittent insomnia: difficulty falling asleep
    • Narcolepsy: Excessive and sudden daytime sleepiness
    • Leg motions are an uncontrollable stretching and bending of the legs while sleeping, which is a sleep disorder known as limb movements. This recurrent limb movement is related to restless leg syndrome.
    • Strange behaviors – The doctor may advise polysomnography if the patient complains of any strange behaviors, such as rhythmic movements, moving about a lot, or walking a lot.

Preparing for a Sleep Study

The polysomnography test will be fully explained to the patient by the doctor or sleep specialist. Among the considerations are the following:

  • In particular during the afternoon and evening before the test, stay away from alcohol and caffeine-containing substances. Caffeine and alcohol may interfere with the patient’s sleep cycle and make their sleep disorder symptoms worse. 
  • The afternoon snooze is not something you should do.
  • Bring your pyjamas since you must spend the night at the exam site. It’s best to avoid wearing uncomfortable or tight clothing that can keep you awake at night.
  • You might be asked to take a shower before to the sleep study by the technician. Deodorant, lotion, and cosmetics should not be used.
  • Because it would be peaceful and dark in the polysomnography room, the patient may nod off easily.
  • Any medications you are taking should be disclosed to your technician.
  • You might be asked to take a shower before to the sleep study by the technician. Deodorant, lotion, and cosmetics should not be used.
  • Because it would be peaceful and dark in the polysomnography room, the patient may nod off easily.
  • Any medications you are taking should be disclosed to your technician.


  • The sleep study procedure can be done at home, at a hospital, or in a clinic. Between the two periods of sleep, the entire process is watched. Rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) are the two phases. 
  • When someone falls asleep, they are at the NREM stage. The first one to two hours of sleep are known as REM.
  • The technician attaches sensors to the legs, eyelids, chest, chin, and scalp. These sensors are left in place overnight and taken off the following morning.
  • The sensors are linked to the computer to keep track of how the body is operating.

The following parameters are being watched by the technician.

  • A heartbeat
  • Pattern of breathing Brain waves
  • eye jerking
  • Blood oxygen saturation Body locations
  • tone of the muscles
  • abdominal and chest movement
  • Leg actions 
  • Snoring


How long does it take for a sleep study to be finished?

A typical expectation for supervised sleep is seven hours.

Is it okay to bring your phone with you to a sleep study?

You are welcome to bring your phone, book, or magazine to the sleep study center in order to fall asleep.

After the sleep study, can we go about our everyday business?

You can continue your regular activities when the professionals remove the sensors that were affixed to your skin in the morning.


In conclusion, sleep study test like polysomnography are essential for identifying and understanding sleep problems. These assessments offer important information on a person’s sleep habits, breathing patterns, brain activity, and other crucial aspects that may have an impact on their general health and wellbeing. There is nothing better than retiring to bed after a long day. Only to discover that you are kept awake by your partner’s snoring. 

Rental and sales services for medical equipment include renting oxygen concentrators, Sleep Study Test. Healthcare providers may accurately diagnose patients and create individualized treatment strategies to enhance sleep quality and address certain sleep-related concerns by analyzing the data gathered during sleep tests. People can reclaim restful evenings and attain good sleep health with the help of sleep study tests.

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