Sleep Study and Polysomnography Test in Ghaziabad . Now a days Polysomnography test is very useful , we all should have know about it test.
How and when we should require this test . We must consult with doctor about it. Add after routine checkup we should take it.
This test records certain body functions as you sleep. Polysomnography is used to recognize sleep disorder .
Now i will be able to tell you about sleep study results .The report from your sleep study will usually be taken by a technologist .
And fater some times evaluated by your doctor. this might take up to 2 weeks. once you schedule a follow up to debate the results .
If you are not able to sleep during your study test , then you might have to take a sleeping pills .
Is one of the questions to ask ahead of time unless you take a determination sleep aid on regular basic.
It will help you to take light over the counter medication like relation or Benadryl .
Level 1 sleep study (polysomnography)is done overnight during a sleep lab or hospital .
A level 1 sleep study is employed to assist determine the explanation for excessive daytime sleepiness .
And to recognize different sleep disorders a level 1 study sketch your brain waves heartbeats and breathing as you sleep .
Some Best Clinic for Sleep Study Test
Shashi Chest & sleep Clinic.
Well Sleep Solution
Oxygen concentrator on Rent and Sale Delhi , Philips Oxygen concentrator supplier Delhi , Bipap Machine on Rent Delhi , CPAP Machine on Rent in Delhi, Oxygen cylinder on rent Delhi, Sleep study and Polysomnography Test Delhi/Noida .
Respiratory and sleep medicine –
Dr Sushil Upadhyay, Best Chest Specialist, Pulmonologist, Asthma, Respiratory, Lung Doctor in Ghaziabad.
Sleep Apnoea India
Sleep Cure Solutions
Dr Ankit Parakh, Child Chest Specialist, Best Pediatric Pulmonologist, Asthma Specialist,
Allergy and Sleep Medicine Specialist
ASRA Centre for Sleep Delhi
Neurology and Sleep Centre
Dr. Sushil Upadhyay
Dr. Animesh Arya – ASRA Centre for Chest Diseases, Allergy & Sleep Disorders
Now a days everyone are afraid of Covid-19 and the cases are increasing day by day . Here Sleep study test will help you recover from covid.
We all must have knowledge about the charges for this test . Now I will tell you about the cost the sleep study test cost in Delhi (gurgao ncr are typically vary from rs 8000 to 12000 .
Level 3 sleep study test are generally self administered sleep tests beings done . Where the possibility of sleep apnea is very obvious and definitely this will have time and price constraints this is often vital for our health