The Importance of Polysomnography Tests in Diagnosing Sleep Disorders
The importance of multiple sleep tests for the diagnosis of sleep disorders
We all know that how deep and restful sleep profoundly influences the relationship between physical and mental wellbeing we
enjoy. It gives room for bodies to repair and renew themselves in addition to helping brains in retaining information as well as
processing it better. Despite being common among both adults and children across the world, many individuals continue to
grapple with sleep disorders including conditions like sleep apnea. If you expect that there is something wrong with your sleep
patterns, one of the most important things to undergo a Polysomnography test in Delhi for better health.
What is a Polysomnography test?
A Polysomnography test in Delhi is a noninvasively diagnose sleep patterns and to diagnose underlying sleep disorders.
Physiological activities have been observed throughout the night, e.g.
Brain waves (EEG): Electrodes placed gently on your scalp measure electrical activity in your brain, revealing which sleep
states you cycle through – light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement sleep, which is important for memory
Eye Movement Observation (EOG): Electrodes near your eyes monitor eye movements, which vary from sleep to state.
This distinguishes sleep from REM sleep, which requires rapid eye movements.
Muscle Activity (EMG): Electrodes placed on your pelvis monitor muscle activity, detecting potential issues such as
restless leg syndrome (RLS), which is an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, a usually worse at night.
Heart rate and rhythm (ECG): Electrodes on your chest record your heart rate and rhythm, revealing possible heart
problems that could interfere with sleep.
Breathing rate (breathing effort): Devices that monitor breathing rate, blood oxygen levels (pulse oximetry),
and ventilation are located around the chest and nose This is important to diagnose respiratory problems related
to I’m not there.
Why is polysomnography testing important?
Polysomnography tests, including the Polysomnography test in Delhi, doctors consider this test to be the best and most reliable
method of diagnosis and that is why it is taken seriously:
- Accurate diagnosis: sleep disorders often have similar symptoms such as daytime sleepiness, insomnia, or snoring.
For precision medicine, Polysomnography is used to diagnose your specific sleep disorder.
- Comprehensive assessment: Assessment goes beyond individual symptom reports and reveals how well you are
resting. It can identify sleep phases, breathing patterns, oxygen levels and muscle activity, thus indicating hidden factors
underlying poor sleep patterns.
- Early detection: Early detection of sleep disorders is important and if left untreated, these conditions can lead to
serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and depression.
- Treatment guidelines: Test results guide your doctor to recommend the most appropriate treatment
plan for your specific sleep disorder. This includes lifestyle changes, medications, CPAP therapy for sleep apnea,
or even surgery in some cases.
Common sleep disorders diagnosed by Polysomnology
Polysomnography tests, including the Polysomnography test in Delhi, can detect a wide range of sleep disorders:
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): This common sleep disorder obstructs breathing during sleep.
Stopped breathing occurs when your upper airways repeatedly collapse, causing sleep fragments, daytime fatigue,
high blood pressure, heart problems and other health complications Many sleep science tests monitor oxygen
levels and on breathing, and exhibits defining dyspnea and hypopnea (shallow breathing) OSA.
Central sleep apnea: Unlike OSA, central sleep apnea results from the brain’s inability to send signals to the nerves that
control breathing. These stops breathing during sleep, similar to OSA, but no airway obstruction. Polysomnography helps
distinguish between these two types of relaxation by monitoring breathing patterns and brain activity (EEG).
Insomnia: Insomnia is a situation identify the difficulty of falling asleep, staying asleep, or both.
When an individual isstressed, anxious or is under the influence of certain drugs, they may suffer from insomnia
because they increase chances that a person may remain awake all night long. Polysomnography test gives the most
objective information about sleep stages through which someone goes, how long they remain in such state and
the period ofwakefulness after sleep commenced. Diagnose assessment helps out insomnia and its origin.
Narcolepsy: This neurological disorder causes excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden drowsiness that can also
occur during work People with narcolepsy can also experience cataplexy, a sudden loss of muscles due to intense emotions.
Repetitive sleep science testing, usually in conjunction with the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT),
helps diagnose narcolepsy by assessing sleep stages and measuring how fast a person falls asleep during MSLT.
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): This condition manifests as an irresistible urge to move your legs,
usually while resting or idle at night. Although the exact cause of RLS is unknown, iron deficiencies and certain
medications can contribute to its development. In a polysomnology test, leg movements are monitored through
electrodes attached to your legs, which reveals the frequency and intensity of these movements, leading to a diagnosis of RLS.
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD): It is known as periodic limb movements during sleep (PLMD)
when your leg or legs jerk or twitch involuntarily while you are asleep. Sometimes this problem occurs alongside
restless legs syndrome (RLS). People who suffer from PLMD have a hard time knowing that they are moving their
legs because it happens when they are sleeping. The test that is used to diagnose this condition is polysomnography
because it helps medical professionals see what happens to a patient’s legs during the night.
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep Behavior Disorder: During the REM sleep phase, which is when dreams are most
vivd the muscles need to be inactivated. In the REM sleep behavioral disorder however, this does not happen hence leading
people to physically acting their own dreams. This causes both the individual and/or their sleep partners to be at risks of being
hurt. Therefore, polysomnography test which requires a comprehensive sleep history is employed to diagnose such disorders.
Considering a Polysomnography Test in Delhi
When you have problems sleeping and you feel it every day it is advice to pay a visit to sleep therapist in Delhi.
This specialist ask you about your symptoms as well as do medical checkup. Based on the outcome he/she would
decide on whether you need a polysomnography test in Delhi.
A Polysomnography test in Delhi at “Phhealthcares”, we offer comprehensive sleep education in Delhi with state-of-the-art
equipment and experienced sleep professionals. A Comfortable sleep lab environment ensures we collect the data you need
while getting a good night’s rest.
Schedule an appointment with Phhealthcares today and take the first step towards a restful night’s sleep
and improved overall health.